Saturday, July 09, 2005

I'm Feeling a Bit Snarky Today...

Today we get to go and do all those weird married-things that movies like "Old School" make fun of.......

We get to FINALLY order our tile for the kitchen back-splash-hey, it's only been about a year since we finished the kitchen-get two bridal shower gifts and a birthday gift at the mall (I hate going there, but oh, well) and clean.......doesn't it sound fun? Don't you wish you were me?

I write that with all the sarcasm I can muster, since.......

I couldn't even get to sleep in today. Peachy decided to have a mini-puking session on my pillow sham (located right behind my pillow) this morning. It wasn't too bad, it wasn't like watery or anything, but still fucking gross. I especially love being awoken to the sounds of a cat retching right above my head, don't you? So, Sean decided to strip the whole bed down and wash everything and hang it outside, since the weather has finally decided to cooperate today (at least, until the next hurricane decides to hit), but that means no sleepy-poo for me....fuckers.

And, yes, it could have been worse-she could have been puking on my head or something, but it still deprived me of my beauty sleep, and let's face it, I certainly need it.....

Just finished watching Topsy Turvy-great movie. Too bad it only got one Oscar for costume design......

So I decided, after last night's rehearsal, that I'm not going to worry about whether the show will suck ass or not. I, and the person playing Mr. Bumble, know what we're supposed to be doing, and we're okay with our few scenes, and everything else will just have to fall into place. I'm not the director-let her worry about the ensemble not knowing their words or blocking. The principals seem nice-the chick playing Nancy is a bit harsh and sort of diva-like, but I don't have a problem with her, so whatever. It will end up to be an okay show, but I get worried that we open in less than two weeks and have yet to do a run-through.

I did find out that another theater here in NJ is putting up "The Pirates of Penzance" in mid-September, and since I love that show (I auditioned for it once, eight years ago and didn't get in-wah!) I decided that I'm going to the auditions in two weeks. Our stage manager for Oliver! is SM'ing "Pirates", and the guy who is choreographing I worked with a few years ago (in "Anything Goes" when I played Bonnie)-not that guarantees me shit, but it helps get my foot into the door, at least.....

So, that's about it for today-oh, yeah, I'm also waiting for the old hag to show up tomorrow-I'm getting those nasty twinges in my nether-regions, which always accompanies her grand entrance-and then, onto FET#1 (and, hopefully, my only one) and, possibly, pregnancy at last.

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