Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Am So Boring as Hell I've got one of my resolutions down, at least. I've lost a total of 10 pounds so far. It actually might be more, but because I'm a little bloated due to the imminent onset of the Red Tide-I haven't actually weighed myself in the past few days, so as to not get frustrated. But, I feel great-AND I'm fitting into clothes that have been sitting in my closet, so it's like getting a new wardrobe. As for the "mental health" portion of my promise......well.....that one's harder to work on. It's not as if I don't want to; it's just that I'm not sure how to proceed on this-especially since I don't exactly want to broadcast that I'm seeing a therapist. I'm not ashamed, but it's private, you know? So, I think that tomorrow I'm going to call my RE's office and ask Nurse Blondie about it-my clinic has a counseling staff-and see where it gets me.

So.....what else? Well, other than waiting for the Red Tide to show up-nothing is going on. Which might be a good thing, but quite frankly it's a bit boring (and is also why I haven't been updating-I mean, does anyone REALLY want to hear all about my recipe for tomato-cilantro soup that i found on a low-carb blog? Or how my belly and ass are getting noticeably smaller?'s like watching paint dry, and I wouldn't put anyone through that).

Yah-I'm boring right now. But, I really think that it's the calm before the storm, and I'm taking full advantage of the quietness right now.


Anna said...

Whoo-hoo! 10 pounds gone is AWESOME! Good for you! I lost some then gained it back over the holidays. So I have oodles of respect and admiration for you. Plus, I would LOVE the tomato-cilantro soup recipe! Please share! That would be wonderful!

It's okay to be boring. Sometimes it's nice to give drama a break! ;)

ilyse said...

10 pounds is awesome! I have missed your blog posts and have been thinking about you.

astral said...

Congratulations on losing 10 lbs!! I'm glad you are doing okay. I would still read your posts even though you think they are boring ;-)

neko and the crocodile said...

I'd like to hear about your belly and ass. ;)

Kidding! hehe...