Sunday, June 03, 2012

Friday was transfer day.  Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a phone call in the morning moving it up to a 5 day (because I like to be an over-achiever), it wasn't for a bad reason.

Out of the 16 originally fertilized, 13 were still hanging out by day 3.  They transferred the two best of the bunch (I'm assuming)-a 12 cell and an 8 cell.  The remaining ones are going to be watched until I suppose today or tomorrow, and they'll cryo the ones they think make the cut.

A lot like "American Idol", right?  Or maybe "America's Next Top Model", minus the catfights and eating nothing but lettuce leaves and having to "smize" constantly.

Oh, yeah.....transfer!

So, I was the first transfer of the afternoon (they do retrievals in the mornings/transfers in the afternoons), which was a first for me.  I go in, change, get in the pre-op recliner, get my vitals taken and am sitting there with Sean when I hear my name being called by a little Filipino woman.  She's a nurse there (been there for 5 years), has been post-op at all my transfers and previously worked at the clinic where I had my first IVF cycle with Dr. Vest (where he basically almost killed me, but pffft....whatever), so we know each other pretty well at this point, since I have the IVF Frequent Flyer Card that entitles me to an all-access pass to nursing and scientific staff.  Anyway, she comes up to me and gives me a big hug, saying that she saw my name on the patient list for the day and she was so happy to see me.  I asked her if she was working post-procedure again, and she informed me that she would be the nurse in the procedure room with me.  So, of course I had to let her know that she was going to be my good luck charm-she's just so sweet and funny.  Luckily she didn't make me laugh too much or else I'd have wet myself, what with all the water I drank beforehand (did I mention about that over-achieving thing?)

I then spent the rest of the time waiting for the doctor by taking my little paper surgical cap and making it into different shapes and then trying to keep it on my head, saying that I was practicing for my chapeau for next year's Kentucky Derby.  Sean, of course, was not amused, although I was having a hell of a great time.  No anesthesia either, folks-see, you don't need drugs for a good time!

So, the doc came in, explained the goods and escorted me down the hall to the operating room where they do the retrievals/transfers, where I saw another old buddy of mine embryologist that I've had previous transfers with.  She went through the procedure with me, they prepped me, and off we went.

I've been a lazy shit ever since-I actually went grocery shopping today, but made Sean carry the heavy bags, even though I'm really not a weakling.  I'd really like to get back to the exercise routine by the end of the week-although the post-transfer instructions say not to do anything that will raise your body temp, my nurse said that it really was fine since my ovaries aren't stimulated-as long as I stay out of really strenuous stuff I should be okay.  Anyone out there have any feedback or experiences on exercising after a DE transfer/FET?

Tomorrow I get to go to do my two-day civic duty at the local courthouse and I'm really REALLY hoping I don't get chosen for a jury-can progeste-rage count as an excuse?  Hormonal psychosis?  Ugh....maybe if I just stare creepily at the lawyers and chew my hair they'll let me go home-no harm, no foul.  Here's for hoping they think I'm a wack-a-doo!

So, there we are-we've got two in there, and a decent chance of something happening.  Let's hope luck is finally on our side.


Shelli said...

Just show an opinion, or start twitching or something... ; )



Cecelia said...

Good luck! Sounds like everything went as well as it possibly could.

Tina said...

I just wanted to let u know that I've been following u since the beginning. I've had a very similar struggle as you have, starting about the same time, only I have stepkids. I just had a beautiful baby boy:) He looks nothing like me (but biologically he's mine - funny huh?), but after what seems like forever in hell, I finally got it right:) I know how u feel:) U r so lucky to have Sean, my marriage almost didn't make it! Congrats!

Tina said...

Btw, what happened with dr. Vest? Last I read on him, u were worried about stepping on his toes when u switched clinics...?

Heather said...

My fingers are crossed for you!!! Sounds like everything went great with all kinds of good signs. I always hated the part of having to have drunk a lot of water for the transfer. Once the doctor was running really late and they had to let me pee just a little. I told them I was feeling like it was a new form of torture.

Anna said...

When I did my DE transfer, they said to take it easy - they wanted all the blood going to my uterus, not my lungs or legs, so I did take it easy during that time. My son recently turned 6, so I guess that worked out okay ;). I'm keeping everything crossed for you guys!!

Sometimes said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations. Settle in, little guys!

S said...

Dr Vest actually pulled up stakes here in NJ and moves to South Florida to probably create havoc down there. Looking back now that black leather vest he wore made him slightly creepy.....

Anonymous said...

Happy for you guys, will be Praying for all four of you :)

Erika said...

Crossing my fingers for you!

Thalia said...

very much hoping this is it for you!