Saturday, October 23, 2004


Sometimes, I live for the weekends.

Just to have that peace and quiet-nobody to bother you with irrational and ridiculous demands, not having to get annoyed by incompetence-just a nice day to do whatever I please.

I finally got to clean the house-I hate when things pile up and it starts to look like a squatter's den. I am not anal in the least, but if I can't find something, it frustrates me.I reluctantly put away the summer shoes and things and broke out my winter gear. It's sad in a way-I love autumn, and I'm grateful to live in a part of the country that experiences all four seasons, but summer is the best time-I can get in my car, and be at the shore in 40 minutes, relaxing by the water with my sand chair, a bottle of water and a book and chill for a few hours.....ah, bliss.........

This week was really not a good one for me-my birthday was this week, and nobody at work remembered-not that I'd expect them to, but we have this Sunshine Club, and they made us write down our birthdays, which I did. They certainly made sure, two days later, to announce another teacher's birthday and make a's tough sometimes, to work in a place and feel as if you're a part of the wallpaper...

Plus, I'm embroiled in a mini-drama with a producer, director, and MD of a community theatre over what I consider an unprofessional email that was sent to me by the producer, which I responded to (I suppose they thought I wouldn't-heh) and have yet to hear back from the producer-I won't go into details right now, but suffice it to say that the email I sent back was, although more wordy, exactly the type I got, only without being rude, which the one I received was. Perhaps I'll post excerpts at another time-sometimes I surprise even myself.

But, today was nice-the sun was out for a few hours, I got cleaning done, was able to sit and relax with a cuppa java this morning, hubby brought me an apple cider donut after he came back from Motor Vehicle to renew his liscence. I was able to have "me" time, not TTC (Trying To Conceive) time, work time, church time, but time for myself, which I haven't had in a long time-it was nice.

Sometimes, you've just gotta be grateful for the simple pleasures in life.......

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