Thursday, March 02, 2006

Popping Cherries

I've finally got myself a makeover! I think it's rather appropriate, don't you? Special props go out to Denise at Moodswing Creations. Thanks-you rock! Check out their button at the bottom of my blog, by the counter.

Anywho, it's that time of the year again-Lent. The period before Easter that's about being, prayerful, penitent and charitable. Since I'm really feeling neither this time around I've been wondering what I should use as my Lenten sacrifice this year. For you non-Catholics who are unfamiliar with this tradition, and lest you think that we ritually slaughter people or small woodland animals during the 40 day period, let me 'splain ("Looocy...."). As Catholics, we are taught that it is good to make a symbolic "sacrifice" during Lent-you give up something you would really miss-chocolate, for example. It's like you're saying "no" to something you really enjoy in order to say "yes" to God.

Since my Lenten sacrifice last year didn't seem to work out all that well, I really debated as to whether to do anything at all. So, I've temporarily decided to give up the 10lbs or so that I've gained due to all my shots. Really, it is a sacrifice, since I'll have to give up breads and pastas, and ice cream, so id does count. I ws going to try to give up being a bitter infertile bitch, know how it is.......

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who gets hot and bothered (and not in a good way) with those stupid "Preferred Pregnancy/Mommy Parking" spaces. I actually parked in one yesterday-there!! Fuck you, Jobu!! *giving rude hand gesture* Hey, it wasn't like I ran over a pregnant woman to get it. So dumb........

I've realized that I'm slowly becoming bitter and jaded about this whole infertility thing. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism, or perhaps it's just because I've never really allowed myself to in the first place. It's not to say that I've completely lost hope, because I haven't. It's just, now that I'm coming up to my four year anniversary of "TTC #1", I'm more realistic. I know that things are more likely not to happen that happen. I've lost my innocence.....or, sexually speaking, my cherry has been popped. And, I didn't get the "Big O", cuddle, champers and smoke afterwards

That just sucks.

Infertility sure is an emotional cheapstake.


Family Ties said...

What a cute blog :) GOTTA LOVE THE NEW DESIGN!

Shelli said...

LOVE what you've done with the place, it's SMASHING!

Word verification:


(from Va-jay jay!)!

Thalia said...

the new look is fabulous, I am v jealous!

cat said...

Lookie the new digs! Love it.

Infertility is a cheap bastard. Have the champ, smoke or O anyway and *more rude hand signs* to #@*& infertility.

Anonymous said...

S, Love the new look!! I'm almost at 4 years too and I can agree, infertility does suck big ones!!!

Lut C. said...
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Lut C. said...

The new design is fabulous, I love it.

It took you four years to start becoming bitter? Bitterness started seeping in after just 1 year for me.

If, no, when we get our lucky break, I hope you and I will lose most of the bitterness again.

(I deleted my previous comment because I posted it unfinished)