Saturday, November 18, 2006

8dp3dt-The Beginning of the End?

Today I've been feeling crampy on and off, like AF is on it's way. About a half-hour ago, when I went to use the bathroom and wiped afterwards, there was a small spot of blood-a tiny bit, the size of a pinprick. There was also a browish bit, kind of like I the stuff I get before AF comes.

I really don't want to test tomorrow-I am getting the feeling that it will be negative, which will only reinforce the fact that this didn't work. But that probably won't stop me, will it? Nope.

AF or the "P" word? I guess we'll find out in a few days.


Inglewood said...

That sucks. Still pulling for the p for ya.

Shelli said...

I'm not going to say something stupid and cheesy like: "Hey now, those cramps could be implantation cramps" Or Brown blood is OLD blood, which could be implantation spotting, or "those pre-AF" feelings could also be pregger signs.

Because I know how much you'd like to throw me off a moving train for saying stupid shit like that.

So instead, i'll just send love and more of it.

Nickie said...

I'm still keeping everything crossed. Even my eyes now too. Do you KNOW how hard it is to read a blog and post a comment when everything is crossed? This thing took me damn near a half an hour!! I'll be back in the morning hoping for the best.

ilyse said...

S, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always. Praying for good news in a few days for you.